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I was unsure about what i was supposed to do and failed, but still cool graphics


The intro kinda communicates that you need to gather resources, but it does not tell you that you play for a high score.

Many players think the top right indicator shows how many of each, while it was meant just a multiplier.


Firstly, I love the stylization of the game and the vector art! Great job! While the controls are basic, I think the game would benefit from a 'proper' tutorial (even just to establish how to gather each type of resource). It was frustrating getting over 1k resources first go to be told I'd failed and the display indicated I only needed up to 25 of an item... I then read the GDD and while I get why, I wish the decision had been communicated in the demo to manage expectations, having said that it's a game that definitely has legs and with further polish could be really chill to play! And if I didn't feel cold before playing, I certainly do now rofl!

Ahaha, nicely put.

Yeah, thanks for the feedback. Idk, on the one hand is good that people run into the same problems, but it is sad the people run into the same problems...

A miss on my part, but I might update it only after the jam ends.

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't really understand the game's objective.

I've tried to do just the amount that was written above the green haired guy, then I tried to fill up the box entirely, but both gave me the same results.

The controls also weren't that clear, and I had to play 3 times just to get the basics down.

UPD.: I've read the Game Design Document, and now see why I couldn't "win". It'd be nice if you could get a different ending just in the demo as well if you manage to do the objective tho

Yeah, I got carried away with some animations and with a critical bug which made the game unplayable in the browser.

I belive the main problem is that I've spend very little time updating the controls. One of the purposes was to dig just because is fun, but unfinished controls are the opposite of that 😥

I don't feel like a weapon. I feel like a miner. Also it lagged like crazy on me, and I basically couldn't play. Outside of not fitting the theme, it seems like a neat game that just won't run properly in the browser.

Yeah, sorry for that. I will try to fix it until the end of the submission and also include a desktop version.

Update: the game had a problem with low-spec PC's, now if you use Chrome or Edge it runs smoothly in the browser. Still looking at why Firefox is slow.

Firefox has known issues with running anything from Godot or Unity it seems. It's becoming hit or miss whether I can play anything without issues, so it could easily just be my browser at this point.

Understandable. Well, at least I want to know that you rated the game based on design and not performance. If you want to give it another try, the update is on.


Finally managed to get chromium onto my laptop. It does run well on there! Can you make a release for linux at some point?

Construct have linux and mac support, but sadly I don't have any way to test them at the moment. Plus I am not sure if adding a new build before the jam ends is not against the rules.